Our success over the years has been due to our retention of clients. We are known for our reliability and the quality of our reports that include more detail and photographs than any other company.
We realise that a professional inventory is an invaluable investment for any landlord. If you do not have a professional independent inventory in place to prove the property’s original state and condition, it can be almost impossible to claim any damage or loss at the end of a tenancy. It is therefore vital that a quality report is produced by a trained professional inventory clerk to help avoid a dispute when the tenancy ends.
Once your report has been produced it will be emailed to you by PDF to your nominated email address within 48 hours of completing the job.
We welcome you to find out why we are “value for money” and “a cut above the rest”.
An inventory and schedule of condition (hereafter referred to as an inventory), forms part of the contract between a landlord and tenant and will play a major role in the process of a dispute resolution at the end of a tenancy agreement. The inventory provides a clear written record itemising every aspect of the property, including the landlord’s fixtures, fittings, décor on a room-by-room basis as well as the standard of cleanliness throughout. Any damages or defects are noted, referred to as the schedule of condition.
This report is the basis for everything that comes after it, when looking at how a tenant has lived in, and looked after the property and any changes that are found during mid-term inspections and when the tenancy ends, at ‘check out’. It is therefore important that you get the tenant’s agreement to the inventory at the start of the tenancy and that you keep a copy of the inventory safe for your records.
We also provide inventory reports of the contents of a property that is for sale.
TIP: Make sure the inventory is completed before the tenant moves in.
Inventory will include:
- Full colour photographic evidence
- Appliance model and make
- Utility meter readings
- Appliance manuals listed

Check-In will include:
- Meter readings
- Signed inventory or General Condition Form
- Keys photographed and logged
- Full colour photographic evidence
It is usual and best practice to inspect the property with the tenant at the start of the tenancy and where possible on the same day prior to the tenant moving in any of their personal belongings into the property.
There are two methods to carrying out a check-in.
The first and most recommended method is to have an inventory compiled 1-2 days before the start date of the tenancy so that it is readily available for the day of the check-in. The tenant would be walked through the property with the inventory prior to moving in any of their personal belongings and then asked to sign a copy of the inventory as proof that they have checked and agreed to the contents. A copy of the signed inventory is then forwarded onto the landlord.
Another method is known as ‘Combined Inventory/Check-In’ (please see below)
TIP: Make sure the inventory/check-in is completed before the tenant moves in.
This method is the most common and cheapest. Our clerks inspect the property on the start day of the tenancy, usually 1-2 hours before the check-in time agreed (dependant on the size of the property) to compile the inventory. The tenant will be walked through the property as in the first method (please see ‘check-in’ above) however they would be signing a form instead of the actual inventory, agreeing to the general condition including the level of cleanliness of the property. In this instance the inventory is provided with 48 hours after the check-in and is to be forwarded onto the tenant requesting that they check through the document, sign it and return it to you within a certain time. We strongly advise that you keep a copy of the inventory safe for your records as it will be needed at the end of the tenancy for the check-out inspection.
TIP: Make sure the inventory/check-in is completed before the tenant moves in.
Inventory & Check-In will include:
- Meter readings
- Signed inventory or General Condition Form
- Keys photographed and logged
- Full colour photographic evidence
- Appliance model and make
- Appliance manuals listed
It is not necessary for the tenant to be present for a check-out but it is recommended that the check-out be carried out as soon as possible after the tenant has vacated and prior to any cleaners or builders entering the property.
The state of the property is checked against the inventory compiled at the start of the tenancy and any variations are noted with photographs to supplement descriptions.
As part of the Tenancy Deposit Scheme, tenants must leave the property in the same condition that they received it, allowing for fair wear and tear.
Check-Out will include:
- Meter readings taken
- Measurements to help accurately assess and quantify damages
- Full colour photographic evidence
- Keys photographed and logged
- Forwarding address for tenant
- General condition agreed and signed (if tenant is present)


Periodic visits to the property are usually carried out part way through a tenancy. They highlight any problems which crop up, inspect the condition and identify if there is any breach of the tenancy agreement i.e. subletting, smoking, pets etc. A interim inspection can also identify if the property is in any need of maintenance, repair or decoration. Some tenancies are long, often spanning years, so interim inspections are highly recommended as it could otherwise result in serious damage accumulating if not reported and may result in costs way in excess of any deposit.
Interim Inspection will include:
- Meter readings taken
- Keys photographed and logged
- Measurements to help accurately assess and quantify damages
- Forwarding address for tenant
- Full colour photographic evidence
- General condition agreed and signed (if tenant is present)
A snagging report is a compilation of defects, unsatisfactory and uncompleted works in a new build or newly refurbished property.
We can carry out an inspection and create a snagging report for your property.
Snagging Report will include:
- Detailed report
- Photographic evidence